Call Mike for an estimate today 973-879-6376
Businesses are being forced to transform; by their customers, by their competitors, by their target markets.
IoT, mobile and cloud technologies are offering new ways to work, on demand collaboration and cost savings as never before. This presents opportunities to fundamentally or incrementally change business models, organizations, business processes and the delivery of IT services (ITaaS). For companies to compete, they must be able to identify and respond to these opportunities.
Any process change, or transformation, occurs across three dimensions; People, Process and Technology or organization, application and infrastructure.
To fully understand a change we must know:
Who, why, what, where, when and how
To transform we must rationalize those answers:
What are they today with what should they be
Presented are examples of frameworks I have developed and use:
Business Process Transformation (Roadmap & Business Case Framework)
Application Portfolio Transformation (Cloud Migration Framework)
* Click underlined to jump to topic
Business Process Transformation - Roadmap and Business Case Framework

The timeline is based on objectives and scope.
3 wks - summary deliverables
8 wks - complete deliverables
12 wks - very large scope
Sample Deliverables



Click on Image




Application Portfolio Transformation
Cloud Migration Program Framework